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The Orc who trains your unarmored can raise your medium armor to 83. quick run out and grab your ice armor
Derived from gamefaqs.com
SKILL     |     TRAINER       |      LOCATION
ACROBATICS    |Senydie            |Fighters Quarters - Waistworks levels - Vivec Arena
ALCHEMY       |Abelle Chriditte   |Propyln Chamber - Stronghold Valenvaryon
ALTERATION    |Seryne Relas       |Seryne Relas's house - Tel Branora
ARMORER       |Sirollus Saccus    |Lowest Level -  Hawkmoth Legion Garrison - Ebonheart
ATHLETICS     |Adibeal Hainnabibi |Adibeal's Yurt - Kaushtababi camp - sSuth of Molag Mar
AXE           |Alfhedil Elf-Hewer |Upper Level - Stronghold Falensarano
BLOCK         |Shardie            |Courtyard - Buckmoth Legion Fort - Outside Ald'Rhun
BLUNT WEAPON  |Faralenu Henim     |Abby of St.Delyn the wise- St.Delyn Plaza - Vivec
CONJURATION   |Methal Seran       |Lowest Level of the Ald'Rhun Temple
DESTRUCTION   |Leles Birian       |East of Piernette's Farmhouse - East of Pelegiad
ENCHANT       |Qorwynn            |Near the exit of stronghold Indoranyon
HANT TO HAND  |Taren Omothan      |Southwestern bedroom -lowest level-Holamayan monastery
HEAVY ARMOR   |Seanwen            |Arena Fighters Training - Vivec
ILUSSION      |Erer Darothril     |Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub - Sadrith Mora
LIGHT ARMOR   |Aerin              |Andus Tradehouse - Maar Gan
LONG BLADE    |Ulms Drathan       |Armigers Stronghold - Molag Maar
MARKSMAN      |Missun Akin        |Missun Akin's hut - atop Falasmaryon stronghold
MERCANTILE    |Ababael Timsar-Dadisan |his yurt - Zainab Ashlander camp
MYSTICISM     |Ardarume           |west wing - Gateway Inn - Sadrith Mora
RESTORATION   |Yakin Bael         |the Vos Chapel
SECURITY      |Hecerinde          |Hecerinde's House - Balmora
SHORT BLADE   |Todwendy           |Lucky Lockup - Balmora
SNEAK         |Wadarkhu           |Druegh-jigger's Rest - Gnaar Mok
SPEAR         |Mertis Falandas    |lower level - Tower of Dusk - Ghostgate
SPEECHCRAFT   |Skink-in-tree's-shade |Mage's Guild - Wolverine Hall - Sadrith Mora
UNARMORED     |Khargol gro-Boguk  |Vacant Tower - Dagon Fel

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ANY ONE of IMPORTANCE.If you recognize any thing here know that when it was added there wasnt a patent on it, if there is tell me before i get sued. yay