Mission #1: Dry Fort:go to the captian, he'll be on the left when you walk into the fort...go through the door up the
stairs past 1 door. he'll tell you about the sldiers talk about morale has been low then grab greef from his room on your
left and talk to any solider. go into the armory up the stairs and into a room on your right. check the desk and take some
drinks for your self. now talk to the captian about the priest and now talk to the priest about shippments stop arriving.
CHOICE#1 keep his secret and you get 10 or 12 of every kind of drink in the game including skooma.CHOICE#2 tell on him
and get nothing.
Reward: a sparksword and cure diesese potions
Quest#2:Smugglers: talk to the captian about weapons being smuggeled. now go to the armory and grab the women from the
stair case or where ever she is. exit the south of the fort and run left follow the shore till you get to an inlet with
a cave head on in. clear the cave WARNING: they are very strong be careful. at the end i think you get a choice. just
grab his axe and be on your way to the fort. you can kill your partner for extra stuff. ADVICE: steal all the weapons leave
them by the dock they are amazingly good and rare.
Middle of walking through the fort you migh reliaze that its been "Torn down" this was cuased by ...you guessed it werewolves
talk to the redguards.
MISSION#3(yes now their missions): skall village, restore the power: go to the great hall and hand over the skull he'll
get pissed off and kill u.....j/k, he'll send you to the shaman who sends you to go do stupid quests about stones of
power. use the map they give you its all very easy...kill these things protect him follow a horker. on to 4
REWARD: MACE OF THE STONE SINGER (best weapon in the game blunt wise)
REALLY BAD POLT EVENT#4:your the judge of a affair or theft of furs...anyway go to the man in the wolf armor then go
to the wife. theres anote under the pillow grab it(dont worry you can take it freely) and show it to the ice beard. he'll
follow you to the cheif. i suggest outcasting him because the wolves kill him fast and its boring to me.
REWARD: helm of the wolf (athletics+5 speed+5)
Mission#5(the good shizat): run down to the cheif and he'll send you to the lake of fjalding. meet the shaman near the
lakes north shore(NE really) see the fire? good dive under it and enter a cave of fjalding. find aslip but dont kill him yet....
he'll follow you to the barroir (dont touch) and set it down CAuTION: SAVE BEFORE ENTERING THE NEXT DOOR IT MAY FREEZE.
these are the only frost of the dire kind so soul trap'em if u want but while hes fighting the frost guys just shank him dont
worry its cool he dies anyway.[{(raid his body)}] go see the shammon.
BONOUS TIME: go into thrisk and talk to Snow singer about the udfreklgjd thing he's an easy kill LOCATION ON THE SHORES
NEAR THRISK OF THE LAKE. trap his soul cuase its cool. take his heart. and the leg. head back to thrisk give it
to her.
MISSION# 6 or 7:werewolves and your problem: run into the hall talk to the guy the guy. wait about 2 minutes (really) and
head outside. AND look at that, run to your right and look left wolves will attack you so becareful. after they are all dead
talk to one of the men "omgosh one got in the hall" run in and kill them you get the werewolfism now raid the ded guards body.
head outside and go to the potion guy on your left DONT TALK TO ANYONE. buy a cure of common and now talk to the shaman.
cure your self and get ready for the ristagg. wait till its 8:00 P.m.
Mission#7:risstagg:head west of the lake up in the woods only a bit, look for 3 guys standing near torches, and talk
to the one in skall armor, he'll tell you to guard him and wut not. follow him as he walks away. he'll stop twice go check
on the teamates behind the rocks and their both ded.(surprise) now head up to the batch of tree and get ready to fight 3 werewolves.
after that talk to him and look for the spirit bear (snow bear) on your left. head back to the villa and talk to the shamen.
Mission#8:Death of the horkers:Castle Karstaag:head north to the shore above the skall village===
BONOUS ITEM: watchmens eye: above skall there is a sunken ship with a lone lantern, little would you know it is one that
is incabilbe of going out(unless you get it wet) its worth 500 gold and is one of a kind. no information has ever been discovered
on why it is here or who put it there.
===walk west and take in the 500 ded horkers lying strewn about the beach, any way look down into the water and you'll
see a protruding rock near the large castle karrstaag... under water, enter the door and swim up onto the new pathway. theres
is a reikling DONT KILL HIM walk past him and when he speaks press B to leave him behind go on and kill all the giagantic
grahll who many pose a threat if you are a low lvl (20-30). if you kill them all go back and talk to the small reikling, now
if you can summon up creatures for the next room. if you cant becarful you might hit the little guy. in the next room there
is 10 reiklings wating around a table, kill them and walk on through the large doors and speak with the next reikling you
After this you will go to the skaal and when you sleep the next night....you'll get kiddnapped by werewolves.
Final Act#1:the maze:after watching the coolest god make his speech enter his lair to find the captian waiting for you.
join him or kill him({[i say join its not worth it to fight someone you dont have to)}] any way head through the mazeKEEP
YOUR LEFT HAND ON THE LEFT WALL AT ALL TIMES and you'll find a big wall talk to the captian he'll give you the key and on
to act 2
Final Act#2: look your goodfriend the skall leader, join him and now head through the maze, not very hard talk your time
and refer to the map. but watch out when you near the exit he will turn on you. loot his body for a magic ring but dont
use it.
Final act#3: as you step inside you see wut appers to be a frost giant, now lets not under do it here...HE"S FRIGGIN
HUGE FAST AND STRONG. disspose of this walking dessecration and stand for a moment and save your game.
FINAL ACT:it all comes down to this the final fight with only 1/3 of the dadric god. he'll ask you wut is the more important
aspec of a hunter...strength...speed....guile. we all knows its guile but it depends on wut you want. a amulet that makes
your attacks unstoppible, an amulet that will allow you to leap higher and run faster than anyone ever, or the gods own weapon
the best spear in the game. choose well
strength will get you a bear of immense power
speed a wolf of 350 speed
guile the hunter will shrink and fight you near your highet lvl
loot the body and recive your prize. now leave and watch another cool cutscene.
BONOUS:head back to the skaal great hall and look inside the cliffracers mouth. you'll get the bluedevils ring of veiwing.